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Our volunteers are the lifeline of our charity, without them we could not provide support to the communities we serve. We are proud of all of our volunteers, find out more about them below:

Sally, Knaresborough.

I have enjoyed supporting the charity without having to commit to a weekly slot or befriending a family. It also means you don’t need an enhanced DBS (although I have one!)

  • DISTRIBUTING NEEDED ITEMS: As a retired high school teacher I have helped the families through checking over donated sewing machines to ensure they were usable and in working order before they were distributed to clients.
  • RAISING AWARENESS (in a fun way!) Helping to design, plan and set up a Christmas Tree at the Festival in St Johnā€™s Church ( Knaresborough). Helping to set up, resource and run a stall (representing HDoS) at the festival of charities in Knaresborough. Spring 2023
  • HOMEWORK CLUB SUPPORT. Working within a group of adults, helping at and providing resources for the Club at Gracious St, Knaresborough. From October 2023. Reading/helping with homework and generally supporting children with their learning.


As a retired administrator I have helped with managing resources to start with but soon met some lovely people from Ukraine so started befriending as well.
I setup and operated No8 where all refugees could obtain bedding, towels, kitchen equipment etc from March 23 to Oct 22. After this helped with admin setting up a database of all Afghan, Syrian refugees. I also now help at homework club.


As a retired social worker I am keen to get more involved with some events, especially where the men may need support.  At the moment I am using my car to help deliver the food that the new ‘pop up’ Afghan kitchen produces for events around the district.


I have been a befriender for several years and have got to know and become friends with people from different countries and helped them settle into life in North Yorkshire. Currently I am befriending 2 families a single mum and her 2 daughters who I visit regularly and offer help and support as they need it. The second family who have been in England for 16months are now quite independent and have integrated well so we maintain contact by telephone. I also help at the Speak Up English conversation class and social events organised by HDoS.

I befriend one single parent family and try to see them each week and see two other families occasionally to chat and help with English conversation and transport to hospital appointments etc. I try to help with social events which HDoS arrange for families.

Iā€™m a former Primary & language teacher, also with ESOL experience. I helped Nina with English classes then started Speak Up – a conversation group for refugee women. I visit 2 families in Knaresborough & am part of the Homework Support Club team.

I befriend 2 families in knaresborough. I visit one of the families every Thursday morning, help the other family with transport to school in the afternoon and take part in Speak Up in the afternoon then  help to run The Homework club after school. Everything I do for D of S is on a Thursday so that I can manage my life around that day.

I taught ESOL for 25 years at Harrogate College to many refugees and asylum seekers. I befriended a family from Afghanistan last year in knaresborough as retirement beckoned. I set up Knaresborough Cares Facebook group to support all refugees in the area to which the community contributes various items from bedding/furniture to laptops. Everyone helps deliver it to those in need. Recently we set up the Homework Support Group to help the children struggling to keep up as their English develops  and we have built a great team!


After many years of helping families in Harrogate I now concentrate on keeping up with national and local online campaigns and petitions to support refugees in UK.   I can do all this from home.